Organized by the IEEE PES SBC at the University of Manchester
On Thursday, 31st March 2022, the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Student Branch Chapter at the University of Manchester (UoM) hosted her 2nd Virtual Pub Quiz competition on Power and Energy event. This social activity was organized to promote knowledge of IEEE, IEEE PES, and the latest development in the power and energy space among university students all over the world. This event attracted 20 registrations and was hosted via the Zoom online meeting platform.

Mr. Omoniyi Akinpelumi, the chair of IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter (SBC), made a welcome opening remark and thereafter gave a brief talk on the vision and mission of the student branch chapter. He also explained some of the importance and benefits of IEEE and IEEE PES opportunities to university students. This session lasted for about 10 minutes.
The power and energy quiz session took place thereafter with a total of 40 questions contended, ranging from IEEE development-related questions to foundational electrical engineering questions. The Kahoot online application software was used as the quiz platform and hence was used to capture both the correctness and timeliness of answers in ensuring fair competition for the prize awards, thus attendees are all fully focused and excited.

The quiz winner and runners-ups were awarded £20, £15, and £10 cash respectively. This event received positive feedback from attendees, with comments buzz words including “well-designed”, “fun”, and “informative”.
The IEEE PES SBC at UoM would like to thank all the attendees for their participation and we hope to continue this kind of activity next year.
Omoniyi Akinpelumi
IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at the University of Manchester
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our chair:
Chair: Omoniyi Akinpelumi