Type: IEEE PES Distinguished Lecture Series
Title: Regulatory Aspects of Implementing Advanced Technology
Speaker: Dr. Jessica Bian, IEEE PES Secretary.
Date: 9th September
Time: 2.00-3.00 p.m.
Location: Room C53, Sackville Street Building, the University of Manchester
Would deploying energy storage and/or other innovative technology alter business models and the utility of the future? We are experiencing significant changes in energy supply due to a number of factors, including the increased availability of natural gas; the growth in renewable, demand-side and storage technologies; and new environmental requirements. This lecture provides an overview of US federal regulation of public utilities, including rate revision, challenge process, and the landmark orders that shaped energy industries we have today. In addition, the lecture offers insights of why energy industries moved from traditional cost-based regulation to competitive markets in an open access environment, and how regulators encourage the use of advanced technology in new transmission projects. Advanced transmission technologies increase the capacity, efficiency, or reliability of an existing or new transmission facility while continuing to ensure that consumers have access to sustainable energy at a reasonable cost.

Dr. Jessica Bian is a visionary leader and architect. She has spearheaded electric industry’s reliability metrics and grid risk assessment. She is currently with Grid-X Partners. Before that, she was with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Washington, DC. Previously, she was the Director of Performance Analysis at North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) in Atlanta, Georgia. Under her leadership, a total of 18 industry-wide reliability indicators were established to determine grid reliability, adequacy, and associated risks. She is widely recognized as a pioneer and trusted world leader in the field.
Before joining NERC, Dr. Bian was with PJM, ERCOT and Westinghouse Electric. She published over 70 articles and received the 2014 IEEE PES Wanda Reder Pioneer in Power award for her technical achievements. She has been the PES Secretary since 2016, and is a candidate for the PES President-Elect, 2020-2021.