Practical Power Flow Controller Brings Benefits of Power Electronics to the Grid

Speaker: Dr Kalyan Sen

Date and time: postponed until further notice (originally 2-3pm 27th May 2020)

Kalyan Sen is the Chief Technology Officer of Sen Engineering Solutions, Inc. which specialises in developing SMART power flow controllers. He spent more than 30 years in academia and industry and was a key member of the Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) development team at the Westinghouse Science & Technology Centre. He conceived some of the basic concepts in FACTS technolog


Power flow control techniques have been practiced from the early days of electrical engineering to power electronic-based solutions in recent years. Despite widely variations of the costs and complexity of the available solutions, the theory of power flow control is still the same. Therefore the question is which solution one should employ. In this context, the presentation will provide:

  • the basic principles of power flow control theory
  • an overview of the most commonly used power flow controllers
  • future trends

The audience will hear from an expert who actually designed and commissioned a number of power electronics-based FACTS controllers since its inception in the 1990s.